DIY: Chalkboard Labels

Chalkboard labels have been everywhere lately and you can pay an arm and a leg for them. I'm a cheapskate  always looking for a cheaper diy version for most things and thought there must be one for this.
Ages ago I found a few DIYs on pinterest where you directly paint the glass jar with chalkboard paint (i'm still borrowing the laptop and it's a mac and i can't work out how to save/copy a picture to paste in here, so sorry - no pictures to demonstrate what i'm carrying on about).
Now, I'm also lazy and haven't been in the mood to sit down and tape off a heap of jars and then paint them all. As a little experiment Saturday arvo, I had a go with this tutorial. I LOVE it! I can't believe it actually worked either. I was pretty excited and started reorganising my filthy kitchen at about 5pm on Saturday arvo.

It's a simple tutorial, so please keep reading.

STEP 1: Take a sheet of label stickers (any type will do) and simply paint the chalkboard paint onto them. 
Allow it to dry.

STEP 2: Peel off a sticker, stick it onto your jar. 

 STEP 3: Write on it in chalk what will be in it. Then fill your jar.

So simple! I'm so excited about this tutorial. I really am. 

I found it easier to write on the labels before you peel them. I also found it easier to do this with your chalk:

shave off the end with a stanley knife to make a "pencil" and wrapped the length in masking tape so my fingers didn't get all chalky. 

Have a go at this - it's very satisfying! 
I think the next thing on my experimentation list with this is to make some hot pink chalkboard paint and have a go with that. 

i'd love to see your versions of this. put the photos up on my Facebook page. 

tara louise. 

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