recreation or epic fail?
(recipe and photo by whisk kid)
this is the cake that i tried to have a crack at today. i'd seen it before but was re-reminded by it through creativity and love . now, when i say "have a crack at"..i don't really mean try the whole layered and iced version. i'm far too lazy for that!
this was my much simpler and quicker version...
i made a basic cupcake mix...using gluten, wheat and dairy free products, then put food colouring in to make the colours. i put the purple batter into the patty pans first.
then put the pink over top. i then added green too. this was how they went into the oven...
and this was how they turned out, not quite the same. ( i envisioned clear levels of colour).
i made yellow vanilla icing...but would leave it white next time. might look slightly less kiddish and scary!
so not quite a recreation, but not an epic fail too. they still taste alright....a little eggy compared to normal cupcakes for some reason, but a cakés a cake!
i'm off to have another one : )
tara louise.
I love it. Recreating a cake like this is on my list for 2011. I think this is a good attempt. Like an homage to the original cake.
Sickly looking, for sure! :oP
thats very kind, thanks hahaha