May Desktop Calendar
Here is this month's wallpaper for your desktop.
The background is a photo taken by moi in barcelona.
Have a great month!
Here is this month's wallpaper for your desktop.
The background is a photo taken by moi in barcelona.
Have a great month!
i haven't done this for a while, but thought i'd share some lovely blogs i've discovered lately + the most awesome thing to add to any bike - i seriously want one!
I think it depends which way you look at it.
I see it like this: Tags - graffiti. Pictures - art.
One thing I love about Europe is the street art. Berlin in particular has so much around with lots of artists in the one city.
Here is the best street art (and pretty graffiti) i found while wandering around the UK + Europe:
i don't always like to toot my own horn [insert giggle here], but i have to tell you, the truffles i made yesterday tasted a-MAZE-ing. they were that good. with easter upon us and little old me unable to eat delights such as cadbury creme eggs *sob* i came up with an alternative. a quick google search found these truffles by jamie oliver. they are awesomeness on a spoon (that's a word ok!).
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