March 2012 Desktop Calendar
I'm pretty excited (+ well stressed out) that the husband and I are off to travel around the UK and Europe for a month on Sunday. Apart from doing all the normal things you do when you get ready to travel - book flights, accommodation, research dairy free/vegan cafes in the places we're going (you know, because we all do this) - one of the other things that takes up a large majority of my organisation and time is spent on deciding what to take to wear.
I'm a fairly light traveller (on the way over anyway) and am getting better at this as i get older and travel more. This time I'm taking a suitcase (I've travelled with a backpack most times over the past few years) and a husband who is the opposite of a light packer (why wouldn't he need to take 32 shirts for a month long stay in brazil where he barely wears a shirt? true story - i had to pack his backpack at the end for him and counted them - and made him leave about half there for his cousins). I've been researching winter styling, winter/spring trends and have stumbled across one or two travelling lightly tips on pinterest.
I found this on travelista on how to pack lightly and mix and match outfits.
A QUICK INTRODUCTION: I found this video this morning on one of my creatively charged friends facebook pages. This guy is so refreshing + inspiring. If I were to walk down the street near him, I'd probably think he was some dude wacked outta his brain on crack or something, but watch the little video and found out his past and story behind him. Really makes me realise I judge people too quickly and to not worry about what other people think so much. Check it out.
I thought this was published last night, but apparently not, so here I go again.
A few silly poses and one where you can tell I've well and truly had enough sums up my week pretty well.
Chalkboard labels have been everywhere lately and you can pay an arm and a leg for them. I'm a cheapskate always looking for a cheaper diy version for most things and thought there must be one for this.
Ages ago I found a few DIYs on pinterest where you directly paint the glass jar with chalkboard paint (i'm still borrowing the laptop and it's a mac and i can't work out how to save/copy a picture to paste in here, so sorry - no pictures to demonstrate what i'm carrying on about).
Now, I'm also lazy and haven't been in the mood to sit down and tape off a heap of jars and then paint them all. As a little experiment Saturday arvo, I had a go with this tutorial. I LOVE it! I can't believe it actually worked either. I was pretty excited and started reorganising my filthy kitchen at about 5pm on Saturday arvo.
It's a simple tutorial, so please keep reading.
Some may say it's just another day, others go the whole hog and get super mushy.
I lie somewhere in the middle. I just use the day as an excuse to say i love you more but tend not to buy into the commercial aspect of it.
These have been my romantic gestures for today (and it's not even 9am yet!)...
Been super busy and losing track a bit. Not having my computer is also screwing around with me.
So here's a couple of photos of what i wore this week and last week:
this week i managed to have my computer on for 45mins. i was pretty excited! I also managed to transfer all my photos onto the hard drive - documents and fonts next before i take it to the computer hospital. and as my computer isn't working and i am borrowing a laptop, i'm improvising.
so, this week i have...
The third instalment of the homemade beauty posts as the first homemade facial type thing I discovered. It's still one of my faves. This one is the lemon and sugar scrub.
my computer isn't cooperating with me at the moment, so a quick post from work today.
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